Advocacy and Education
Join us and help create the world our girls deserve.

Advocate on the issues that matter most to girls.
We translate our work with girls into powerful advocacy to improve opportunities for girls to succeed and lead healthy, educated, and independent lives. We encourage you to refer to the various resources available below when advocating for girls and young people.
Advocacy Resources
National Policy and Advocacy Platform
We drive policies and practices that open doors to girls and ensure equality. We engage in advocacy that focuses on the needs of girls from low-income communities and girls facing challenges such as those based on sex, race, religion, ethnicity, immigration status, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Sex Ed Resources
Sexual Health, Safety, and Autonomy
- Promote access to comprehensive sex education & sexual health services.
- Advance menstrual equity
- Combat bullying and harassment & dating violence.
- Prevent sexual discrimination in education.

Education Resources
Equitable Access to Education
- Reform school discipline policies and practices.
- Increase access to postsecondary education.
- Improve access for girls and other underrepresented groups to meaningful opportunities to pursue all career paths, including in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
- Increase funding for out-of-school learning and mentoring opportunities.

Voting Resources
- Promote high quality, sustained civic education in schools, for grades K-12.
- Support free and fair elections.
- Promote policies that make it easier for people to register to vote.
- Protect the rights of communities that have historically been excluded from freely voting.

Mental Health Resources
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Increase access to mental health and wellness support for students in underserved communities.
- Combat the persistent stigma surrounding mental health issues and treatment.

Learn More/Contact
To learn more about being an advocate for girls in our community, contact Mel Dase (805) 456-4936