of Greater Santa Barbara


It is the policy of Girls Inc. to only link to resources developed by our trusted partners or otherwise vetted by our staff. No unsolicited links will be posted.

Sexual Assault Support Hotline
CALL 800-656-HOPE(4673)

Get help now by connecting with a trained staff member from RAINN and you will be routed to a sexual assault service provider in our area.

Recognizing Trauma and Toxic Stress in Girls and Teens

Tip sheets, videos, and other resources for adults to help the girls and teens in their lives. Also, learn about using a trauma-informed approach with young people.

10 Tips For Teaching and Talking to Kids About Race

It is never too early to begin having discussions with your kids about race, racial justice, and privilege.

What is Systemic Racism?

This animated video traces the impact of systemic racism in the lives of two youth.

A Children’s Booklist for Anti-racist Activism

Children’s literature can be a powerful tool to spark family discussions on diversity, racism, racial justice, and inequality in our country.

Are You an Askable Parent?

Tips for making yourself available to talk about sexuality with your youth.

LGBTQIA+ Resources for Parents and Youth

A go-to list of links to education, support, and advocacy resources.

#GirlsToo Sexual Harassment and Violence Fact Sheet

Sexual harassment and violence is an epidemic that starts at a young age, and has lasting effects on girls and young people.

How Upstanders Can Intervene to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Violence

When bystanders become upstanders, it gives others permission to do the same.

Where Can I Get Help if I’m Being Harassed?

Help exists for you. Take action on behalf of yourself, a friend, or a family member to access resources.

Bullying and Sexual Harassment

The effects of bullying and harassment can have serious and long-lasting implications both for victims and those who bully.

Tips for Talking to Teens About Healthy Relationships

Think about your own values, feelings, and expectations of relationships first and then share what works with the teen in your life.

Signs of Relationship Violence for Parents

It’s important to talk with girls about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and their right to be respected and safe.

Let Her Learn

A toolkit to stop school pushout for girls who have experienced sexual harassment.

Tips for Being an Effective Mentor

A mentor is a caring, responsible adult or peer who provides access to people, places, and things outside the mentee’s routine environment.

Tips to Support Girls’ Rights Through Talking and Listening

Each of us can help girls realize their rights and abilities so they can grow up strong, smart and bold.

Ways for Adults to Help Girls Achieve Their Rights

Girls have told us they recognize outmoded gender stereotypes that limit their rights and they are ready for change.

Tips for Answering Your Child’s Questions About Sexuality

She’s asked you a question about sexuality. Now, what do you say? Here are a few tips to help out.

Tips for Raising Financially Savvy Girls

Decide together how much to spend right away and how much to save for later. Set short- and long-term saving goals.

Ten Ways to Encourage a Girl in STEM

Parents, guardians, and other caring adults can be an incredible resource when encouraging girls to pursue study or a career in STEM.