of Greater Santa Barbara

Impact Story

Sawyer: Tuesdays Feel Like Sundays (COVID-19)


Sawyer, 14, is one of seven Girls Inc. teens who recently participated in peer conversations on the impact of COVID-19. Read the full teen exchange here.

What have you learned about yourself during the pandemic?

I learned that it’s a lot easier for me to do things with friends. I’m usually an introvert. I want to go outside and see my friends more than I did before. When this [pandemic] is over, all my friends an I want to do is order pizza and watch Disney movies. That’s it.

How is quarantine affecting your self-esteem?

It has lowered my self-esteem by like 80%. Every now and then I catch myself thinking ‘I have so much time why am I not doing something?’ Even though I can bat that mindset down quickly, it still hurts. The fact that there are no grades, no structure, has thrown me off my game.

I don’t have a consistent schedule anymore with set deadlines. I often worry about time and I have to remember which classes are which days and that stresses me out. Mondays feel like Wednesdays, Tuesdays feel like Sundays.

What do wish adults understood better about your experience during the pandemic?

Sometimes, getting one out of five things done is good..I feel like adults wouldn’t understand that mindset. They don’t understand how much time I put into doing just one thing right now. It’s a lot of effort and it drains me a lot faster. If adults realized that they would be more understanding.

How is Girls Inc. helping you stay connected during the pandemic?

Girls Inc. has led to a lot of really in-depth discussions that I really like climate change and feminism and gender identity. I don’t get that with my parents, so its really nice to have ideas from people who think the same things that I do. While I’m an introvert, I’m not anti-social. With Girls Inc. I have interactions that I don’t usually have.

What are you worried about now that you weren’t before?

How to focus because I don’t have a consistent schedule anymore with set deadlines. I often worry about time and I have to remember which classes are which days and that stresses me out. Mondays feel like Wednesdays, Tuesdays feel like Sundays.

In what ways is COVID-19 changing your attitudes about school and homework?

I already knew school was flawed before. Before I know now the schools could have done more. We have more time for less homework. I think they should have made more accommodations for people, like those with intellectual disabilities.

How are you expressing your feelings?

I’m usually drawing art, usually people and characters. Art was a hobby before but now it’s a lot more…I am learning how to animate now (baby steps!)

Girls Inc. has led to a lot of really in-depth discussions that I really like, like climate change and feminism and gender identity. I don’t get that with my parents, so its really nice to hear ideas from people who think the same things that I do.