of Greater Santa Barbara


Girls Inc. Seeks Funding Support to Meet Critical Needs


In 2017 and 2018, Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara was offered an opportunity to participate in a challenge grant to raise funds for several critical capital needs to support programming and the girls we serve. With the help of individual donors, Girls Inc. met the challenge and secured matching funds that allowed the purchase of new servers, new vans, a new phone system, and iPads and PCs for our computer labs at both Centers.

While Girls Inc. does not have a matching grant in 2019, the demand to address needs critical to our operations remains great and exists outside of the annual operating budget. These critical capital needs include:

  • Replacing four additional aging minivans and youth buses;
  • Completing our emergency operations plan;
  • Providing emergency supplies for our two campuses;
  • Installing campus security equipment such as cameras, lighting, and fencing; and
  • Upgrading water conservation efforts to reduce water bills at our facilities.

For questions related to Girls Inc.’s 2019 critical needs and to help fund these priorities, please call 805-963-4757. Gifts of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated.

2019 Critical Needs List