of Greater Santa Barbara

Our vision: powerful girls in an equitable society.

Our mission: to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

We focus on the development of the whole girl. She learns to value herself, take risks, and discover and develop her inherent strengths and leadership skills. The combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and evidence-based programming form The Girls Inc. Experience, which equips girls and teens to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. Informed by girls and their families, we also advocate for legislation and policies to increase opportunities and rights for all girls.

Girls Inc. is committed to providing the comprehensive Girls Inc. Experience to girls, including those who identify as girls regardless of their assigned sex at birth, and those who are exploring their gender identity or expression during their time at Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara does not discriminate or exclude girls from our programming based on their gender identity or gender expression. This position maintains our commitment to gender equality and justice and responds to modern advances in our understanding of gender identity and expression by welcoming cisgender girls and young women, transgender girls and young women, and nonbinary individuals who experience gender-based oppression.

Girls Inc.’s Position on Gender Identity


Our board and staff leaders are dedicated to assuring high-impact services for girls in Santa Barbara, Goleta, and beyond. We set clear strategic direction that supports our community's needs and our National organization's bold goals.

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Girls Inc. is committed to maximizing our resources to benefit the girls we serve.

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Our History

Girls Inc. was founded in 1864. Across the decades, we adapted to meet the specific challenges facing young women. Although times have changed, Girls Inc. has always been and will always be about girls.

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Our Investors

Our work is possible thanks to the generous support of committed individuals, foundations, and corporate partners.

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Our Partners

We work with partners who believe in inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. These stakeholders are creating systemic change in our communities.

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As a woman and a mother of a young daughter, I want the world to change. It’s beyond time that women and girls achieve not only equality, but equity within our society. We deserve freedom from sexual violence, the right of ownership over our own bodies, and the ability to decide for ourselves who we are and who we want to be.

Kendall, Board Member and Donor